
Pro Russian conflict inside areas of the Ukraine

Pro Russian conflict inside areas of the Ukraine In response to recent deaths of Russian activists a debate has come up in Ukraine. Kiev resumes military operations against activists in the East as tensions continue to rise.

Tian Wei CCTV Ukraine crisis CNTV News Tags: CCTV, CNTV News, Host Tian Wei, Oleksiv Poltorakov, Tian Wei, Ukraine, Ukrainian policies [Screenshots] Host Tian Wei on CCTV from Ukraine as the crisis continues. CNTV News in Kiev resumes military operations against activists in the East as tensions continue to rise. Discussed on todays show are some helpful resolutions about the ongoing eruptions in the Ukraine. Russian former advisor and Washington DC former advisor William Taylor representing Ukraine and Oleksiy Poltorakov talk about Ukrainian policies being implemented in Kiev's new regime.

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